Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

The Working Class and Bourgeoisie

The Working Class and Bourgeoisie

Q Go to this website on The Civil War in Art (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. The online exhibit you will be looking at is Emancipation and the Meaning of Freedom (you can click on images to get more information on each work). Work your way through all 5 sections of the exhibit, using the "next page" at the bottom to navigate to the next section. After reviewing the exhibit, answer the following: How did artists represent slavery in the artwork of the time period, and how do their representations differ from the paintings in your book on pages 421 and 422? How is realism represented in the works in the exhibit?

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The artists who belonged from the era of American Civil War united the manumission of slaves and war’s consequence to establish art that could be viewed as information. The paintings are the realistic face of the Civil War such as “The Effects of the Proclamation”, which have underpinned that hundreds of people who are now freed from slavery are focusing on leaving their houses. Om the other hand, the craft of “Come and Join Us Brothers” fortifies that several African American soldiers are following a white commandant who is fighting for the Union. The art on the page 421 fortifies the brash reality of captivity and tried to show them as witty and merry (Terra, 2019).